Archive for Photography Workshops

I had the pleasure and privilege of attending the Pinkle Toes Workshop in Olympia, Washington this August and as usual, it did not disappoint. Oodles of information, roll playing, creative challenges and laughter later, I left refreshed and ready to hit the ground running.

When I first attended in 2011 in Austin, I was at a very different place in my photography journey. I wanted to photograph absolutely everything and it was wonderful. This time was different for me and I really just wanted to listen and watch, so I’m afraid my photography was a little limited and I probably took more iPhone pictures than I did with my big girl camera…gasp!

Let me start with the house we stayed in. Wow. It was nothing short of amazing with views of the State Capitol and sailboats as the tide went in and out…ya, life’s rough, I know 😉 Forgive the rotten iPhone pics…please!

Olympia Washington iphone

Watching Michele work is incredible. She always makes it look so easy, but she is so very talented and generous with sharing any and all information.

Olympia behind the scenes

And then we got to play around a bit with our lovely maternity couple. It was so much fun to see how others handled their assignments and to bounce ideas off of each other.

Edmonton Maternity Photographer

I would HIGHLY recommend this workshop to anyone who wants to learn from a master not only in photography, but business. I mean really, if the workshop wasn’t good, would I take it twice?? Make sure you check out the very funny and talented Heather Reagan Photography – Portland Lifestyle Family Photographer’s take on the workshop! And then carry on around the blog circle to see what Carrie, Dawn and, of course Michele saw!

Shona xo

…her Dad!  This stunning teen is not only gorgeous, but she’s not even a senior yet!  Her Dad also has to contend with her sister as well, so I’d be nervous if I were him!

We had approximately 25 mins to photograph each ‘model’ (they were real people, by the way 😉 ) and during that time we all worked like a well oiled machine.  It was amazing really.  We roamed around, tried to find different nooks and crannies to use and no one got in anyone else’s way.  Great organization on Michele’s part, but also credit to everyone for wanting to push themselves creatively.

Sigh…wish I could go back…

And then she changed:

And two of my faves:

Enjoy your weekend!

Shona xox

Did you ever read the Mole Sisters books?  Michele’s backyard reminded me of “The Mole Sisters and the Wavy Wheat”.  Sigh…we read that book over and over when my daughter was two…So, I was determined to do some mini sessions out there.  However, when I looked at my watch and saw that it was mid day sun in the hot heat, I thought I was losing my mind putting this poor girl out there!!  However, I wanted to challenge myself and she was a lil’ trooper so away we went!

I had so much fun styling her too.  I saw the brown tutu in Michele’s stuff and knew I wanted to use it, but wasn’t sure what would go with it.  Thankfully this young girl was a fashionista and was willing to squeeze herself into a 1 year old onesie (I *think* that was the size…it was smallllll, but it went perfectly!) and then we fan-dangled the flower onto another hairband and voila!  The perfect young girl outfit!

The rest as they say, was history!!

I think we did okay, non?

Shona xox

This wee girl was amazing at the Pinkle Toes workshop.  She modeled for half the group and I don’t think I heard a peep out of her!  Nothing phased her…not cameras, strange people, clothes changes etc.  Amazing!!  She also has a healthy appetite for pearls and grass…interesting combo, I’d say 😉

I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves!

Until next time!

Shona xo

This Mom came ready to rock and roll for her maternity session in Austin ~ She’s a tiny wee thing and in amazing shape as she’s a Crossfit Trainer.  However, what really floored me was that…get this…she likes Red Green!  Are you kidding me??  The goofiest Canadian show and she not only knows it, she LIKES it!  Her husband hasn’t seen an episode yet, but they’ve been trying to find them so that he knows what she’s talking about…I couldn’t stop laughing!!  Well Victoria, I’ve got one for you…My father-in-law went to school with him!!!

I hope you enjoy your images 🙂  And best of luck in the days to come!

Shona xox

ps Don’t you just LOVE the Pinkle Toes purple couch!!!  It didn’t fit in my carry on luggage, so I had to leave it there 😉

One word.  NOT two.  Okay, it took me a few tries to get that right, but don’t hold it against this Canuck, y’all…The final part of day two was spent in a field of them (said one-worded bluebonnets) working in pairs…but across from this field (aka ditch) was a really cool dead tree/wispy wheat section that my partner and I jumped on!

I had the pleasure of photographing (and being photographed by) the “elegant and charming” Amanda McNeely from Midland, TX.  Not only is she an AMAZING photographer and business woman in her own rights, she also has the most adorable accent EVER!  I actually made her talk/sing into my iPhone before she departed so I could have an instant pick me up if needed (Baby, baby, baby, OOOOOOooooo!)

Isn’t she adorable!?!

Because I was focused on Ms. Amanda so much, I didn’t get too many images of the other ladies at work, but here’s the rest of the “Pinkle Posse“.

Lauren Reynolds is one stylin’ lady who can rock the 5DMarkii like nobody’s business!  She’s located in Dallas, TX and is destined for greatness!  The dyptych is Ms Amy Schuff from sunny Sacramento, CA….aka the roommate that wasn’t…She’s the sweetest person, an amazing photographer and should be a model…I kid you not.  She can smyze better than Miss Tyra Banks herself (but I don’t watch that show either…no really…).

And last, but definitely not least, Sara Turns from the Woodlands, TX and Sarah Jordan from Boston, MA.  Sara T. introduced me to Chuy’s Jalapeno Ranch dip and it’s a good thing for my hips that we don’t have Chuy’s here…I was INSTANTLY addicted.  What I loved most about Sara was her oh so quiet and unassuming nature counter balanced with her quick wit and humour!  Sarah (with an h) was my kindred northern spirit.  We defended each other on all things non-southern (aka no-see-ums…yes, they’re real!).  Thanks for all the laughs and having my back!

Both girls are fab photogs and cute as a button too!

I tell ya, our collective education from the whole group was rather astounding…seriously.  Reunion workshop:  “How to run the world, photographer style!  2012”  Thank you girls for making the trip even more amazing!!

Shona xoxo

After regrouping in the afternoon, we went out to do a little location scouting and practicing on each other.  As photographers, we LOVE to hide behind the camera, so it’s always a good lesson to have see how your clients feel in front of the lens (freaked out at first and then put to ease!).

Michele found a couple of cool locations and here are some shots from the second one.  This first image, I call the “Sex & the City” moment…we had no fun at all…it was work, work, work 😉

Then we got down to business…

Aren’t they gorgeous?!?  Seriously these girls could rock the camera on both ends 🙂

And then, we convinced Michele it was her turn…

(I had to be sooo fast on that last one…I think she was embracing her inner “Zoolander”…payback baby 😉 )

Shona xoxo

Day 2 was just as amazing as the first!  Michele is a master at not only finding light, but finding quality light and using it to her advantage.  We were lucky enough to watch her do this at an in-home family session with an adorable wee girl and her Mom & Dad.  These guys were great and I may, just may, have snuck a cuddle or two from said baby…sooo cute!  We had our chance to practice a bit too and then we got to giggle at Michele because she had a certain garlicky aroma from shooting in their very cool wild garlic back yard.  🙂

And now I get to name drop!  After we ate at Walton’s in downtown Austin…owned by Ms. Sandra Bullock.  It was a charming bistro type restaurant that also sports a flower shop.  AND, the best.sandwiches.ever!  Check it out!

More to come later!

Shona xox

I don’t even know where to begin.  My short, but intense time in Austin, TX was nothing short of fab-u-lous…once I finally got there!  Suffice it to say:

1.  I will never travel the day before I need to be somewhere again if I can help it; and

2.  I’m not fond of airports that have armrests on every couch…makes it hard to sleep when you’re crashing for the night…

But that was then and once I arrived, it was quickly forgotten because I hit the ground running.  The workshop with Michele Anderson of Pinkle Toes Photography was amazing for so many reasons.  For me, I think it was the overall experience.  We had an amazing, diverse (yet oddly similar) SMALL group of women with like minded goals and amazing abilities that clicked instantly…I can honestly say I hope to keep in touch with all of them!  In addition, Michele ran a tight ship, but I never felt rushed or “done”.  In fact I didn’t want it to end!!  Topics were diverse, experience was a mix of hands on and discussions and the level of collaboration was inspiring.  I came home refreshed (okay, bagged, but a good kind of bagged), excited (hopped up on caffeine) and ready to rock and roll (but I promise I won’t sing!!).

Here’s a few behind the scenes shots from day one where we got to watch Michele work her newborn voodoo (seriously, we had to wake this baby up…I says pardon???):

The last one on the right is titled:  “Stick ’em Up…Photographers Style!”

And then we also got to take a few.  He was such a sweet baby, Mom looked amazing and Dad was a trooper as he was having major seasonal allergies!  You’d never guess it from these shots though, would you?!

Until next time,

Shona xox

Why am I so excited you ask?  Well, I’ll give you a hint…

What?  That didn’t help?  Hmm….Okay a few more hints:

– UT is located in this State.

– I may come home with a 10 gallon & poop kickers.

– Home of Brad Womack, but you’d only know that if you watch the Bachelor and I am soooo not admitting to that!

Oh all right, I’ll fold!  I am so excited to announce that I am heading to Austin, TX tomorrow bright and early to learn and absorb all that I can from the amazing Michele Anderson of Pinkle Toes Photography (now do you get my image above non-photogs?)!!

I can’t wait to share when I get home, but for now you will just have to imagine me riding into the sunset on a horse and kicking my heels up because I’m ditching the toque and parka for pretty girl clothes and heels!!

See you next week!

Shona xox