Archive for Weddings

Just one quick sneak peak from Laura & Jasun’s amazingly beautiful and emotive wedding in Cape Cod, MA. Yup, it was like photographing Barbie & Ken and all their friends…

Love you two!
Shona xo

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I don’t shoot many weddings, but when super special people come along and ask me to be their photographer, how can I say no?! Natasja & David…It was a honour to photograph your wedding and I knew you were cool when I met you for your engagement session, but man. You guys rocked it! I hope you enjoy your sneak peak and I can’t wait to show you more!

Shona xoxox

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I gotta say, 2011 was a truly wonderful year for me both personally (except for my pooch 🙁 ) and professionally. The two are linked so closely and this was the year that I jumped on opportunities with both feet, got my groove back and felt more grounded than I’ve probably ever felt. And THAT my friends, is a good feeling!

To celebrate, I’ve put together a small slideshow of some of my favourite shots from the past year. I think it’s important to reflect on the past, learn from it all and then move on. So here’s to 2011 and look out 2012! I’m ready to take on whatever it brings!

Shona xox

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I don’t photograph many weddings or advertise them really, but when the right couple comes along I am happy to oblige…And boy are these two the right couple! To make a long story short, her father commissioned me for their June wedding as they are both currently teaching overseas…I figured she had to be cool and I could live vicariously through her stories, so really, it’s a win-win! They are both Canadians, but they met traveling overseas and aren’t done yet – LOVE!

Here’s a sneak peak of many many more to come 🙂

Shona xo

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It was a chilly night in Ottawa, but at the risk of sounding uber cheesy…K & J’s love kept us warm! Well, it kept them warm…me I cheated with a down jacket, but my heart was warm 😉

Here’s a little sneak peak of the love birds! So great to meet you both and I can’t wait to show you the rest!

Shona xo

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Well, who would have thought…I am super happy to say that I have been featured on Frosty Winter Weddings.  It’s a great blog started by a winter bride who wanted to celebrate winter weddings and lots of unique aspects to having a wedding in the “off” season.  There are some REALLY cool ideas if you’re planning on having a wedding in the winter and some DIY project ideas too!

AND, she submitted it to weddinggawker which “is a photo gallery that allows you to visually search and discover traditional to modern ideas to inspire your own wedding. We publish photography submitted by wedding bloggers/photographers from around the world. Our editors review submissions daily and choose the highest quality, most beautiful images to showcase.”  [quoted from their about page]  It was accepted as well, so I’m feeling a little giddy on this Friday night…(scroll down the main page and you’ll see their image on the left).

Even if my credit card number was stolen and my friend had to cancel drinks due to illness.  I’m still going to celebrate!!  And I can’t post another blog post without an image, so here’s another one that I LOVE from this wedding:

Eating crow that is!  There have been many occasions where my husband has taken great pleasure in giving me the “I told you so” look as I do something I said I would NEVER do…and it’s not even March yet!  Photographing a wedding as the primary photographer was no exception.  I was honoured to photograph Nancy & Miguel’s gorgeous and truly Canadian wedding earlier this month.

I mean really, how perfect could these two be?  Nancy was ridiculously organized, trusted me completely and is GORGEOUS!  Miguel is the hockey nut and he had major bragging rights with his buddies that she went with a hockey theme.  I’m talking a Leaf’s temporary tattoo, playing a little pick up in a wedding dress, shoot outs for kisses and a Leafs inspired cake.  All that and origami flowers that Nancy made herself!  It was so much fun, so memorable and I feel like I have made new friends!

However, I’d be remiss if I didn’t thank Jennifer of Jennifer Boggett Photography for helping me before, during and after the event.  She was fantastic and we think so much alike it’s just scary!  Thanks Jenn!!!

AND finally, before I unveil their beautiful day, I’d like to thank Rory Taillon for giving me permission to use his beautiful version of Leonard Cohen’s Hallelujah which he sang at the wedding.  There wasn’t a dry eye in the house…or at least I don’t think so as I was too busy wiping my tears to notice 😉  Check him out on myspace or youtube!

So, without further ado…The beautiful newlyweds!

Until next time,

Shona xox

What other country would host such a fun wedding?

This is just a teeny tiny itty bitty sneak peak on how I spent my weekend with Nancy & Miguel! Yup, a bride that was all over lacing up her hockey skates and tossing the puck around for her new husband…in the middle of winter…in a wedding dress…Now that’s love!

They were the sweetest couple (even if they are Leafs fans…ahem…) and I have oodles more images from their beautiful day to share! Can’t wait!

Can’t wait to see you guys!!  xox

Just one more of this beautiful fall wedding on 10/10/10.  To see more, check out this out 🙂

I miss the fall!!

Shona xo

What a lucky day indeed!  I had the pleasure of second shooting with Julie C Butler Photography on the Sunday of Thanksgiving for the beautiful and unique wedding of Julie & Jay.  The weather was perfect, the leaves were golden and the bride, groom and wedding party were gorgeous!!

I started my day meeting ‘the boys’ at the hotel and got a lesson on how to tie a tie…I don’t know if it was nerves, but we had a lot of laughs at the origami creations they were making…I also never knew how important the size or length of a tie was…I never knew guys had ‘bad tie days’??:

…but then Jay got it right and looked fab!

Since it would be a long time until dinner, we scooted over to the local A&W and had a mini session there…my main job, next to capturing the images, was to ensure no one spilled down the front of their suit.  I so wish I could have found bibs for the boys…would have made a great image!

I got back to the hotel and the pianist was playing some great tunes:

But, without further ado….drumroll please…here’s the GORGEOUS couple together…sigh…loved them!

Isn’t her red dress beautiful??

And the bridal party were stunning and hilarious!

Congratulations guys and thanks again for letting me be apart of your wonderful day!  Oh and Jay…I still don’t get the “grassy nole” thing?!?

Shona xox