My “baby” is 3.

He says he’s a big boy…until he’s tired and would like to be carried around.  Secretly I’m okay with this as he’s such a snugly kid when he’s not getting into mischief and I know this will not last forever.

Capturing images of him at this age is also a challenge.  I can’t stand the “say cheese” looks he gives me and much prefer natural smiles, mischievous looks and knowing smirks in my photography.  He’s also learned all my “photographer mom” tricks and will engage with me and my antics, but keep his head down.  Thanks son.

I was therefore thrilled to capture him in his element.  Wearing his “piderman underwears”, jumping on the bed and stomping like a dinosaur.  This is what being a boy is all about isn’t it?

Earlier this year, he also discovered how to give me a “thumbs up” with excellent coaching by his big sister.  He was so proud of himself, it was cute 😉

And after an afternoon of silliness, he lay down for a rest….NOT!  He is soooo faking it here.

He is there, I am here and I am feeling sorry for myself 🙁  However, he was two weeks overdue and had to be induced (both my babies refused to be evicted…), so I’m thinking of this as payback!  We will have his requested blue cake (?) birthday party when I return!

Happy Birthday, baby boy!! xoxoxoxo  Mwah!

