After a lot of rain, the skies dried up and the kids were able to go trick or treating…We weren’t quite sure what was going to happen, but boy were we happy to see the rain go and the warmer weather remain!  Here’s a few images from the day!

My cake pop attempt wasn’t quite as successful as last Easter as my pens were dry, but they were eaten so fast it truly didn’t matter!!


My little ham was all excited to have her nails done, hair curled and make-up applied as she was a princess this year…well, she’s a princess everyday, but she actually got to wear make-up to go with the title!

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Ma Belle…


And lets not forget my little dragon who takes every opportunity to roar any old day of the week!

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A little before and after for the pumpkins as well!!

pumpkin collage


I hope you had a great weekend!  🙂
