This year I have so much to be thankful for.  My family is all healthy, we have a roof over our heads and food in our bellies (too much, one might say…).  What makes me even more thankful is that I have the clarity to see how lucky I am, which wasn’t always the case.  Ya things are tough sometimes and sure I’d like that new tv so I could ditch the circa-1996-400lb-makes people’s faces orange-box in the corner and get apple tv, but really…not overly important in the grande scheme of things.

Professionally this really has been a banner year for me.  I am so thankful that I started my business during a time when life wasn’t all that fun.  Why?  Because I persevered, I went at my own pace and, well, I did it!  Being stubborn has some positive attributes!  🙂   This venture has brought people into my lives that I never would have connected with from YOU my fabulous clients to the amazing photographers I have met both near and far who constantly support me, push me to be better and cheer me on when I succeed.  Really, it doesn’t get any better than that!

So thank you.  Thank you for being in my life, for helping to give me clarity and for supporting me.  What more can a girl ask for?

Shona xox
