Jan 01, 2010
posted in Uncategorized with 4 Comments

“It’s never too late to be who you might have been.”  ~ George Eliot

2009 was a year of incredible growth…my kids (how’d that happen?), my photography and myself.  With growth often comes growing pains and believe me when I say there have been plenty.  However, I have met some incredible people in unexpected places that have helped to push me through.  They have believed in me and, in turn, I have begun to believe in myself.  So to those friends, both near and far, I say thank you from the bottom of my toes!!

My website will be live just as soon as my hosting company flicks the switch (a VERY exciting step for me!) and my blog will be changing in the New Year as well.  I will keep you posted on all of the exciting changes, new products and, of course, the photography that will make 2010 my best year ever!!  🙂

May the new year and decade provide you with the same excitement, good health and many laughs!

Shona xox

  • Jenn

    You deserve to have a great year! Congrats on all of your accomplishments!!!! Miss you tons!

  • How did I miss this post?! Happy New Year my friend and as you know, I am SO excited that you are taking this step in your business (and your life!). Congratulations!! And may 2010 bring you MORE success and happiness than imaginable!! 🙂

  • Heather

    I am just bawling as I read all your blogs, pour over your photos, and marvel at your creative genius. I am so thrilled for you and glad that you are finally seeing the potential and greatness in yourself that we have always seen. This is truly amazing, Shona! Only wish I lived there so I could take advantage of your talent. Congrats and enjoy the ride!

  • Rachel

    Fantastic job on your website. All the best for 2010, I just added your site and blog to my favourites and look forward to seeing your work.