Hey Y’all!

Just wanted to write a quick post as I haven’t done so in a while.

Do you ever fight with your husband (sorry guys, but it always seems to be the dudes who want to hang pictures super high!) about where your image should hang? Well, I found this great “How To” on Apartment Therapy about where your art should hang. There’s an actual formula that completely proved my natural sense and sensibilities correct! (ha! Take that hubby!). Click HERE to read about what it means to hang an image 57″ from centre.

Then there’s the inevitable, how do I actually figure out where to put the nail/screw etc. when hanging images with a wire hanging thingy (yup, all technical on ya today…). Click HERE to see a brilliant way this woman hangs unruly Ikea frames using a screw and paint stir stick. I *strongly* recommend holding the image at the bottom when doing this as I almost ripped the screw out of the stir stick due to the weight of the image. Yes she says to do this with someone and yes I did it on my own and yes I’m impatient. 😉

And finally, if you just want to hang an image that needs a nail, use toothpaste to mark the spot on the wall that the nail should go. Check out THIS post from The Industrial Cottage to see what I mean. It worked like a charm!!

I’ve been painting pretty much our whole home (whoopee) and printed up some images from our family session last year (2 16x20s; 1 16×16 and a 10×20). I love them! BUT, I gotta say finding frames was a chore and I didn’t get them custom framed so they don’t have antiglare glass. Boo to reflections. I’m hoping that once I get some new window treatments up, it won’t be so bad, but honestly, it just made me love canvases more. Ready to hang and no glare. Amen. Here’s the final product (forgive the iPhone snap and the mess):

I hope that helps!  Make sure you check out the blog tomorrow as I have another great giveaway!

Shona xox

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