Archive for My Life

Behind on posting, so here’s a wee recap of my 365 project for Week 6…it includes a few fun Winterlude photos and an ode to the new baby in our family πŸ™‚ Can’t wait to take her newborn photos!

Feb 5 S is for Soundtrack (…of my youth…and just missing Madonna)
Feb 6 Paintbrush
Feb 7 Greta (our bus driver since Isla started school!)
Feb 8 Happy Birth-Day
Feb 9 Hitchin’ A Ride Down the Canal
Feb 10 Winterlude
Feb 11 Catching Flakes

Shona xo

One from my 365 that I just couldn’t resist to share today…

Shona xo

Another week and so many great things to document…Love photographing it all. Some of it may not look like much to the average on looker, but so much meaning to me. And I guess that’s what counts right?

Jan 29 Grace
Jan 30 Sisterly Advice – Little man was sad about our pending move, but it helped to talk to his big sister.
Jan 31 Him – Love him. Pure and simple.
Feb 1 Superstore – field trip and making pizza’s…yummy!
Feb 2 Old School – they found my books on tape from when I was a teacher…too funny as they thought they could watch them!!
Feb 3 Cars & Football – He was resteless so made up a car game while we watched the Superbowl.
Feb 4 Cracked – It was sooooo cold skating on the canal, but it was awesome!

Shona xo

2013 is proving to be an exciting and busy year! My spring is rapidly booking up thanks to you, my wonderful clients, and your loyal support. THANK YOU! However, it is also going to be a BIG year of change. Change for both my family and my business. One that I am excited about, but exhausted thinking about at the same time….

What’s the scoop you ask? Well, we’re moving…A move that will take us over 2,000 km away. Yep. We’re on the road back to Alberta. Wowsers, huh? It’s taken me a few days to lift my jaw off the floor too… However, while I’m dreading all that has to be done and saying goodbye to friends, family and a city that I call home, I am excited for the chance to try new things, make new friends and photograph new places.

So what does this mean for you? Rest assured, all sessions that have been booked are safe and sound and will be completed prior to our move this summer. As for the rest of you? Now’s your chance to book a session before I’m hitchin’ up the wagon to go west. I will have limited availability between now and the end of June, so if you are at all interested, please let me know as soon as possible.

Since I can’t do a post without pictures, here’s *just a few* of my favourite images from 2012…so many more I could have included and my apologies if you were left out!

AND, if you have any inside scoop on Edmonton – things to do, restaurants, family stuff etc., leave a comment! I’ll take any help I can get adjusting πŸ™‚ Or, if you know anyone in Edmonton and the surrounding area(s) that might be interested in my photography, I would be forever grateful for your referral!

Thank you!!

Another exciting week has FLOWN by. Honestly, I can’t believe that January is at a close and that I’ve actually stuck to AND enjoyed this personal photography project. I’m really trying to capture the everyday moments with my children (as they are so fleeting through childhood) and do a little bit of fun photography for me while I’m at it.

Jan 22 Ice, Ice, Baby – yup, he’ll freeze ANYTHING in the freezer now…
Jan 23 Dodo – the calm before the storm as little man got the stomach bug, again!
Jan 24 Geography – macro of a pointsetta leaf
Jan 25 3,2,1 Let ’em Rip! He loves his Beyblades!!!
Jan 26 Homework – doing homework on the phone with a friend for the first time…
Jan 27 Cold Toes – warming their feet by the fire at the cottage
Jan 28 MacSkimming – outdoor ed and snowshoeing fun with the grade 3s.

I hope you’re enjoying the project as much as I am!
Shona xo

From goodbyes, to underwear to blood tests (routine stuff) …this week had it all πŸ˜‰

Jan 15 :: Goodbye (to Nana…boo!)
Jan 16 :: Underwear Art…he might as well make art out of it since he won’t wear it!
Jan 17 :: Again…getting back into running…ouch
Jan 18 :: Meccano (she LOVES it!)
Jan 19 :: Decisions (tough one with left over Christmas money)
Jan 20 :: Book Writing (“If You Give an Orca a Seal”)
Jan 21 :: Venipuncture (Phlebotomist thought I was off my rocker…I said, “Duh!” Just jokes πŸ˜‰

Shona xo

It’s not easy with my little subjects at school all day and dark evenings… However, challenge accepted!

Day 8 :: Gilles Grove (diptych with very excited woodpecker action!!)
Day 9 :: Heart (look closely to see the upside down heart in this macro shot)
Day 10 :: Windows
Day 11 :: Winter
Day 12 :: Siblings (will do a similar shot near the end of the year)
Day 13 :: Blanchette
Day 14 :: Sick Day

Shona xo
ps Week 1 was updated to include image titles and can be seen HERE.

Yup, I made it. Week 1 under my belt…and I’d say mission accomplished already for what I wanted to do with this personal project. I wanted to shoot for myself, without pressure and to just learn about myself and how I shoot. I’ve also learned that I need to clean my sensor (blah!) and that it’s REALLY hard to come up with image ideas when the kids aren’t around! Aww well, only 52 more weeks, right? Eep!

Day 1 :: Reconnect
Day 2 :: Freckles
Day 3 :: Sleepover
Day 4 :: K-Pow!
Day 5 :: Snowshoeing
Day 6 :: First Sewing Lesson
Day 7 :: Youtube Mechanic

Shona xo

Hope. It is essential regardless of the situation because without it we would give up, which is never good. Since it is the first day of the New Year and I think hope and new beginnings are always important at this time, I thought I would make my very first post a macro image of teeny tiny paper white flowers. They grow so quickly and bloom so effortlessly…even I can’t kill the suckers. This, my friends, gives me hope!

You’ll notice it’s watermarked 2013.01.01 :: Reconnect. Yup, I’m diving into a 365. However, I’m deliberately not putting pressure on myself because my goal is purely selfish. I want to improve my photography, try new things, document my life and learn from my mistakes…reconnect with my love of photography, if you will. In doing so, I may or may not post the images on my blog. I know I will post some, but the pressure of having to actually post turned me off of the project and I lost hope…and folded like a deck of cards in the first week. So, I’m doing this on my own terms, with no particular focus. The only rule being to see with my heart and capture what it sees with the best of my abilities.

Here’s to 2013, new beginnings and, you guessed it, hope!

Shona xo

Oct 12, 2012
posted in My Life with 0 Comments

It is with utter disbelief and great sadness that I write of the passing of American photographer Jen Burgess Thompson at 5:20 (EDT) on 10-12-2012. She passed away peacefully holding her parents’ hands after a VERY brutal and courageous battle with Ovarian Cancer.

I did not know her personally, but was incredibly touched by her fight, her strength, her humour in the face of everything she had to deal with and her astounding ability to remain positive and thankful…yes, thankful, for everything in her life.

She lived life to the fullest and was a shining example of what human beings should be. I only hope that her two young boys find comfort in knowing how loved she was and that she is no longer in pain.

HERE is the post I wrote after her diagnosis and HERE is the blog that she started.

Much love to her family and friends. She’s left a massive hole in so many people’s hearts and in the photography community.

RIP Jen.
