
Location, location, location…it’s important, but good light is even more important! Where you have your session depends on the feel you want your images to have as well as the good ol’ Canadian weather!  Candid, relaxed and lifestyle are perfect for in-home sessions.  Urban, hip, cool images are best in downtown Edmonton.  You get the picture 😉

Typically these are our choices:

At home

Your home doesn’t have to look like something out of a magazine – honest!  But it is a great way to have a relaxed and more personal session and is perfect for families with babies and toddlers.  Why?  Because it’s familiar to them, I can photograph them doing things they love and it’s safe!  As an added bonus, you can easily change diapers, have a snack or change clothes if necessary.  For in-home sessions I typically like to do mid-morning or mid-afternoon depending on the light and your wee one’s schedule.  As an added bonus, we can also work outside, but may need to adjust the timing of the session to accommodate that.



Urban and/or Downtown Edmonton

Urban locations ooze cool and are great for teenagers, families with older kids, couples or engagements.  We can incorporate texture, colour, architecture and stuff you just wouldn’t find in a field 😉  The best time to do these types of sessions are on the weekend early in the morning as there is less traffic, people and parking is easier.  Sunday’s are usually easier to accommodate as well.

urban family



There are so many options for natural areas/parks in the St. Albert and Edmonton area that we will have no problem finding some foliage.  We DO NOT need to find a manicured park or golf course as more natural, wild landscapes add character and texture to your images.  What time of day we do these sessions will be completely dependent on where we choose.  If it has lots of tree cover we can get away with more liberal times, but if it’s a wide open field, then sunrise or sunset are necessary.


family outside fall



I have been lucky to find a beautiful space in Edmonton to rent for studio sessions.  There is a $50/hr additional charge for your session to use this space, but it is a great idea if you don’t want images in your home for whatever reason and/or it is the middle of the winter and we’re having a cold snap!  This type of session is not suitable for large groupings.  Best for maternity or small family (mom, dad, toddler) and possibly newborn sessions (although I do prefer those in your home).  Please note, the Studio must be booked well in advance of your session.
